A question of work
/Cards are tremendously useful in providing insight into questions of action, and for offering a dispassionate view on a situation.
The querent asks:
I have an opportunity to apply for a new position at work. I'm not sure if I should go for it. What can I expect from going for the new job vs. keeping the status quo?
For this, I did a two line reading using Lenomand Cards (The French Cartomancy Deck by Lo Scarabeo). The first line shows what the querent can expect from the new job. The second line shows what happens if they maintain the status quo.
First line:
You go out into the world with the heart of a bear.
What strikes me most in this line is the heart begin so central, and the young jack of hearts in the inset. Bears can indicate a managerial position, so I wouldn't be surprised if this new opportunity meant you were overseeing a wider area. See how the bear in the picture looks down from his perch on the world below him.
The garden shows a wider area of interaction, really getting yourself out there and noticed for something you're passionate about.
Second line:
You rest in the solidity of your home, gazing out at other opportunities.
The status quo is going to be just that, the status quo. You're recognized where you are (see the king of hearts ruling over his domain) but the man and woman are both very static. They look out at the garden, but don't go out to join it. This indicates that if you stay where you are, you'll do fine, but will be dissatisfied after a while. There will be a fight against the inertia of where you are, cause leaving home is a difficult thing, but you'll eventually want to move on. I would not be surprised if a woman points the way.
The querent (a professed skeptic) replies with that phrase that always happens when someone is told what's in front of them, but can't quite see it, "Fuck!".
Needless to say, they have applied to the position.